Before I started on a vitamin program back at 49 — 11 years ago, I worked out and was toned. But, adding a good, safe supplement program has made all the difference in keeping that tone. When we work-out, we deplete our bodies of the critical nutrients that build muscle. We have to replenish that and food is just not enough! The team of fitness model competitors at Noelle’s Body Shoppe have told me that they work-out longer, recover faster and have less aches and pains after their work-outs by taking their personalized systems. In just thirty days they are seeing the difference!
There is a new study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that fish oil helps enhance the effect of strength training in elderly women. If it can help someone who is elderly, it can definitely help those of us younger gals!
Some of the key vitamins needed for rebuilding muscles: all the B vitamins, Vitamin C and D, E and Omega-3 fish fatty-acids. Eating enough to meet the needs of our stressful society is tough! The amounts in the RDA are not enough and are based on studies from over 50 years ago. To stay in optimal tone and Be Lean and Strong At Any Age, you must take the advanced levels recommended for the Olympians using the USANA program. I can help you customize to get the biggest bang-for-your buck. Visit my USANA site here.
I have been on these products for over 11 years and am now 60. I don’t look it, and I don’t feel it! I credit this to the right nutrition and supplements, eating clean most of the time, exercise every day and getting enough sleep. Many of us don’t sleep enough and that is often due to not having enough minerals. If we work-out, we need the minerals to calm down and relax the muscles and the brain.
There are so many viewpoints on why or why not to use supplements. I am going with the science that shows what a good vitamin/mineral and Omega-3 program can do for you! There is a great article in the Health and Fitness Magazine — Fitness 2013, that came out in January. It is on the ABCs of Muscle Maintenance. Here are some of the key points:
B vitamins needed to maintain muscle strength and tone:
- B1 for protein metabolism and the formation of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to muscle cells. Find it in cereal, bread, meat, rice and nuts.
- B2 for energy metabolism, glucose metabolism, and the oxidation of fatty acids, with some effects on protein metabolism. Find it in cheeses, eggs, milk and peas.
- B3 is essential for energy production. Find it in milk, eggs, fish, legumes and potatoes.
- B6 is important for protein metabolism, growth and carbohydrate utilization. Find it in soybeans, butter, brown rice, and fish.
- B12 is important for the maintenance of nerve tissue and is essential for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, energy metabolism, and cell regeneration. Find it in milk, poultry, eggs, meat and liver.
- B7 is important for amino acid metabolism, and amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Find it in mushrooms, egg yolk, beef liver, and brewer’s yeast.
I am not going to put in the whole article. I can send you the file if you ask me for it.
It is easy to do right by your body! Make the investment now and it will pay you back in a big way later in life.
Take Care of Yourself! Be Lean and Strong at Any Age!
Thank you! I have been traveling non-stop and just got home to work on this. Hope to learn more from you too!
Hi there. Thank you for the interest. I would be glad if you shared the blog. I have not written in it for awhile as I went back to school. I will be adding more soon. I am attending the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, on-line, and learning so much! What is your name?
Thanks everyone. I am getting ready to start sharing what I am learning at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I am half-way through the program and there is so much new research available that is going to be really helpful for folks. Please stay tuned and thanks for the encouragement!
Merci beaucoup!
Thank you, Shawn!